Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hi, my name is Kayla and i have Leukemia.
Im 16 years old and only have 13 months to live. I went to the doctor April 20th, 2012 and they told me that i have high risk leukemia. I am blogging about this because i want people to be aware of the risks and rising population of people who have leukemia. There is treatment for Leukemia, but it would just prolong the process. I have not taken on the treatments, because i want to live the rest of my life outside of a hospital. Here is my bucketlist:
1. Get a tatto
2. Get my license
3. Travel to the Grand Canyonn
4. Drive an airplane
5. Raise awarness about Leukemia
6. Meet other people my age with Leukemia
7. Meet someone famous
8. Go to Hawaii
9. Meet family members ive never met before
10. Survive my disease

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