Monday, May 7, 2012

Today August 27th.. I havent blogged in a while because ive been been so busy. Im getting worse everyday. Ive had to go to the hospital twice already this month! I can tell i dont have that much longer, and thats okay. I think im almost ready i just have to finish my bucketlist so this week im going to Hawaii with my family as one of my last things on my list!! :)

This is one of the pictures i took! it was sooo amazing there! it made me feel more at peace knowing that im done with my bucketlist! i know i still have two things left... To meet a family member ive never met before and to survive my disease. My mom told me that i will meet my grandma who died before i was born in heaven. Which makes me feel really good, and in a way number 10 is marked off my list. I survived my disease in a special way, i know its just my time to go and im ready.

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